Dear Alex London,

Even though I am a New Yorker, I will not be in town for your appearance at Books of Wonder, certainly, like you, one of the wonders of the book world. I volunteer at the Maverick Concerts up in Woodstock, NY and alas for me, your date and their last concert conflicts. I so wanted to congratulate you on your latest venture, which I know my Kindergarteners and First Graders of the Bronx will love. Also, I am beyond thrilled to see your magnificent PROXY back in the spotlight. That novel, you, and its sequel, GUARDIAN, had and continue to have an enormous impact on me, inspiring me to pursue writing. Years later, my agent is Stephen Fraser and my first novel, a YA fantasy ... did not sell. Not yet! A second novel is now finished, an adult historical fiction but your influence lives with me still. How very much I enjoyed the unfolding of your SKYBOUND trilogy! The very best of continued success with all your work. Sincerely and with infinite respect, Daniel Tamulonis

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Wow Daniel, what a kind comment! Thank you! Sorry to miss you in NYC, but I'm glad you're still writing and putting your work out there. Keep at it and it will find its readers!

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